The Iowa Chapter, NECA works in partnership with the IBEW to train the electrician’s of tomorrow. If you would like information on how to become a trained, professional electrician, and desire to pursue a career in the electrical contracting industry, contact one of the following, based on jurisdiction:
Des Moines Electrical Apprenticeship
(Des Moines/Fort Dodge)
Training Director: Steve Hansen
E-mail: shansen@dmelejatc.org
Phone: (800) 572-6191
E-mail: www.dmelejatc.org
Cedar Rapids Electrical Apprenticeship
(Cedar Rapids/Iowa City)
Training Director: Mike Carson
E-mail: mikecarson@crejatc.org
Phone: (319) 654-9238
E-mail: www.crejatc.org
Southeast Iowa Electrical Apprenticeship
(Southeast Iowa/Ottumwa)
Training Director: Scott Bessine
E-mail: seiajatc@qwest.net
Phone: (319) 753-1165
E-mail: www.seiajatc.org
Dubuque Electrical Apprenticeship
Training Director: Greg Wilgingg
E-mail: willgingg@nicc.edu
Phone: 563-513-9948
Sioux City Electrical Apprenticeship
(Sioux City)
Training Director: Thomas Zeman
E-mail: thomas.zeman@witcc.edu
Phone: 712-274-8733, extension 1279
Website: www.scjatc.org
Waterloo Electrical Apprenticeship
(Waterloo/Cedar Falls)
Training Director: Christina Henzen
E-mail: apprenticeship@ibew288.org
Phone: 319-232-5374